Dillon Montana is situated in a valley that is 5,200 feet above sea level with the Continental Divide on three sides. As Montana weather goes, we tend to be in the banana belt with less snow and milder temps. It does get very windy in Dillon, but the views are spectacular, and you are just a few minutes away from your dream vacation, fishing, sledding, or hunting trip
Climate and
Visitors come to Dillon and swear they have stepped back in time. We are a charming, small, ranch town who loves to rodeo, golf, hike, hunt, explore, and most of all, fly fish! The workforce in Dillon is not afraid of work, as most people have several income streams. Play is important, both summer and winter. Dogs are a favorite companion you will find, as most folks take them everywhere they go. From summer rodeos, and hunting, to ice fishing, and snowmobiling, Dillon Montana is a great place to Lose Yourself | Discover Yourself!
Dillon Time
Dillon Montana is located on I-15, about one hour from the Idaho border. Easy access to Idaho Falls or Butte Montana. For a small town, we have a City Bus who takes citizens to and from their points of destination and senior citizens ride for free! The Beaverhead County Airport handles our regional corporate and private jet visitors and it is located just north of town. There is rail service in Dillon provided by Union Pacific Railway. There are several current businesses who transport their goods to and from Dillon, via rail.
Transportation Services
Beaverhead County is home to many generational ranches. We have all of the agribusinesses that support that ranching economy. Dillon is home to the University of Montana Western; a college of about 1,500 students from all over the world! Their X-One Block Scheduling is one of the only accredited colleges where students take one class at a time during a semester, so that they are completely emersed in their studies. Their Natural Horsemanship Program offers students to learn skills unmatched in any other bachelors’ program. Our Beaverhead County School District boasts trade-school, vocational-school, as well as college prep. Agriculture remains the main economic driver in our county, which is 5,500 square miles!
Agribusiness Workforce
Chamber Concierge Service
When considering a business move, you will need to connect with someone who can reach out to the members of the community. The Beaverhead Chamber is your source for those connections. The Chamber has the relationships with realtors, schools, local leaders, County Commissioners, and others you will want to meet!